Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Watch me

So for those who couldn't make it to show six, here's five videos to enjoy!


Blind Gerbil

The Darren Criss Halftime Extravaganza

These Donuts (Are Making Me Cry) 

Don't You Realize How Cool I Am (first 20 seconds were cut off)

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Three to get ready...

Oh, we have a show tonight?

Actually we do.  And actually, you all should go. :D


Daly City, 6:30 PM.  Lots of planned awesomeness, and my compatriots in composition Mario Balibrera and Megan Dabkowski will be opening. :D

Thursday, November 8, 2012

New song!

Well, it's not new if you've known me or Sylvia all this time, because we wrote it in December 2011.  But it's now up for public consumption and it is the first track we've posted with full band recording activity!!!

Presenting...The Darren Criss Halftime Extravaganza!!!

Listen.  Enjoy.  Share.